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Suomen Laatupuukko Oy

Accountability. Domesticity. Craftsmanship. An alternative to industrially produced knives.

Since 2003, we have been developing and selling handmade knives and kitchen tools. You should be able to choose a product with a Finnish value chain and Finnish makers. We want the raw materials we use to be domestic, so that a whisker birch grower in Eastern Finland is compensated when the trunk of a whisker birch grown on his land is used in the handle of our chef's knives.

The core idea behind our products is their longevity, usability and design. We want our objects to last from mother to daughter, from father to son. Our objects are superior in usability and their design is inspired by the rugged beauty of northern nature. We believe that many who love traditional Finnish style and nature will agree with us.

Our kitchen chopper has been awarded in 2004 at the Finnish Crafts Fair as New Product of the Year, and it, as well as our mushroom and crab knife, have been awarded the Artisan Quality Mark.

We want to develop new products in line with our values that will last and serve many different purposes, without compromising on beauty. By ensuring the longevity of our products, we aim to minimise our environmental impact and guarantee you a quality product for a long time to come.

The quality tree represents more than just beautiful objects for home and camping. It is the idea of how making something real, and truly sustainable, can lead to a better future through choices made now.

Respect for nature and humanity is important to us. We understand that work for the future must be done today. We work to create a more responsible consumer culture and to create truly high-quality, long-lasting products for you to use and enjoy.

We expect our partners to share the same values as we do. 

If you feel you share our values and way of thinking, we think you're on the right stuff. By using our objects, you support traditional Finnish craftsmanship and responsible consumption, whether on a mushroom trip, in your kitchen or in your crab pots.

We are more than happy to receive feedback on our products, our values or anything else you want to discuss with us. You can reach us on Instagram, by email, by phone, by letter, whatever you like. We'd love to hear from you and your thoughts.

Finnish Quality Park Entrepreneurs

Jouni and Harri